ade a very careless mistake here.b) A very careless mistake was made here.a) You didn’t list the specification you need.b) The specification you need wasn’t listed here.在礼貌原则中,Leech(1983)曾经指出,要使自己的语言礼貌得体,要尽力缩小对他人的贬损。以上两例中,由于每组b)句采用了“被动语态”,避免了直接指出对方的错误,显得比句子a)更加客气。5)利用复合句型,表达不同意见在礼貌原则的赞同准则中,Leech(1983)提到,要尽力缩小对自身和他人之间的分歧,尽力夸大对自身和他人之间的一致,以达到礼貌的效果。但是在实际生活和商务谈判中,我们经常有和别人意见不统一的时候。怎样才能既表达出了自己的不同意见,又不刺激对方,让对方觉得没面子呢?首先,可以采用I’m sorry, I’m afraid, it seems to me等句型来缓和语气。例如:a) I can’t agree to such terms.b) I’m sorry to say, Madam Wan, I can hardly agree to such terms.a) I disagree with you there.b) I’m afraid, I have to disagree there.两组句子都表达了说话人不赞同的态度,由于b)句采用了“很遗憾”,“恐怕”来缓和语气,取得了比较温和、委婉的表达效果,使听话人在感情上容易接受。其次,可以采用”I understand your position, but...”,”I seewhat you mean, but...”,”You may be right, but...”等句型,尽力在语言上缩小自身和他人之间的分歧,体现出自己对他人的尊重。例如:a) It’s impossible to accept the price.b) I understand your position, but it’s impossible to accept theprice.a) It’s too expensive to have all these technical data translated in-to Chinese.b) You may be right, but it’s too expensive to have all thesetechnical data translated into Chinese.对比a)句和b)句,用句型b)回答对方,既表明了自己的态度,又避免了直截了当地说“我不同意”。采用这种温和的方式,有助于谈判的成功。