

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3198
论文价格:50元/篇 论文编号:lw200612121443409297 论文字数:5612 所属栏目:广告设计论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
中国装饰观念中国伦理哲学的物化表现研究 摘要:本文论述了原始社会至秦以前中国装饰观念的发展,这种观念对具体的装饰产生了决定性的影响,在阶级社会里,从政治意义上来说,装饰艺术不仅是一种物质财富,一种生活日用品,更主要的是它具有社会政治功能,它是一种权力、地位和威严的象征,体现了装饰艺术是中国伦理哲学的物化表现。 关键词:原始社会 先秦 装饰艺术 观念 精神 ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF DECORATION CONCEPT FROM PRIMITIVE SOCIETY TO PRE-QIN PERIOD Lu Yucheng ( Suzhou Vocational College Suzhou 215011 ) Abstract: This article discusses the development of the Chinese decoration concept from the primitive society to pre-Qin period. This concept had a decisive impact on concrete decoration. With regard to politics, the art of decoration is, in a class society, a material wealth and an article for daily use. What is more, it has its political and social function and therefore is a symbol of power, status and severity. The art of decoration is the materialization of the Chinese ethical philosophy. Key words: primitive society, pre-Qin, the art of decoration, concept, spirit