

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3531
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw200611142305354491 论文字数:13477 所属栏目:广告设计论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
阿美族的文化关系与衣饰制造 摘要 阿美族特殊的母系社会制度与丰富的物质文化,向来为人类学家、民族学者视为珍贵资源,从事研究调查的重要目标。其文化关系与衣饰制造习习相关,举凡祭祀、传说、打猎、纹饰等等,都彰显出了该族的文化特色。为保存传统文化资产,本研究以纺织工程角度研究分析阿美族的服饰原料、纱线加工、织布技艺等,更以文化角度探讨阿美族衣饰制造特色,期能明了台湾少数原住民族的纺织技艺,也为文化与文化产业化作一份贡献。关键词:阿美族、衣饰制造、文化关系、原住民 The Relationship Between Ami Culture and Clothing Production C. H. Wu, C. Y. Mou, K. Shentu* Department of Textile Engineering, Chinese Culture University *Department of Fashion Design, Shih Chien University ABSTRACT The particular matriarchal social and rich material culture of the Ami people which are caken to be valuable resources and important goal of research and investigation anthropologists and ethnologists. The culture relation is involved in clothes making and ornaments produced. Such as worship, legend, hunting, tatto and so on. All of them show the culture characteristics of the AMI people. In order to preserve traditional culture property, this research analyze the AMI people the ingredient of clothes, the process of tertile and the wearing of technique by tertile engineering angle. More, it discusses the characteristics of the AMI people clothes making. It hopes that we can understand few aborigine tribe’s wearing of technique in Taiwan. Also, we make contribution for culture and culture industry. Key words: ami, culture, costumes, aborigine