A Study of the Opportunity and Development on the Real Estate Industry in Shanghai
论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
n of real assets in the country. In China, owing to the practice of administrative allocation of land assets before the land use rights reforms, the understanding of the problems in the appraisal of investment values for either the real estate assets themselves or the enterprises which own these assets is essential. Then, an attempt is made to explain the common practice of establishing the asset values in China by valuers and the problems most real estate investors will face when carrying out investment analysis for real estate development in this market. And the joint venture projects in China and current situation of Shanghai real estate industry.
In order to achieve far better research results, the objectives should be achieved: What are the marketing strategies of Real Estate industry? What will be the marketing strategy for local Real Estate Companies? And how to achieve these objectives acquires to choose proper method to do the research.
In this study quantitative and qualitative data research are used here. Quantitative research is the studies that use mathematical analysis that can reveal statistically significant differences. And Qualitative research is the studies that use descriptive analysis to reveal significant differences. Which item is the most significant to influence marketing strategies of real estate industry could be easily found through quantitative and qualitative data research.
The Methodology chapter analyzes the data from completed questionnaires using the SPSS program in which the 5-point response scale was used. Then, the results and findings are represented in tables and graphs. The data is analyzed in either perspectives, and interpret the findings. At the end of the dissertation the conclusion and recommendation are given
Table of Content
Abstract II
Acknowledgement III
Executive Summary V
Table of Content VIII
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Background 2
1.2.1 Competition 2
1.2.2 Corporate Real Estate Management 2
1.2.3 Consumer Buying Behavior 3
1.2.4 The Theoretical Bases of Market Segmentation 4
1.2.5 The Real Estate Industry 4
1.3 The Objectives of the Study 5
1.4 The Structure of this Dissertation 5
Chapter Two Literature Review 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Competition 7
2.2.1 Competition and strategy: core concepts 8
2.2.2 Porter’s Five Forces 11
2.3 Corporate Real Estate Management 15
2.4 Consumer Buying Behavior 20
2.4.1 Benefit of Branding on Customers’ Perception 20
2.4.2 Brand Extension and Stretching on Customers’ Perception 21
2.4.3 Value Price on Customers’ Perception 22
2.4.4 Competitive Price on Customers’ Perception 22
2.4.5 Benefit of Promotion to Customers 23
2.4.6 Services 24
2.5 The Theoretical Bases of Market Segmentation 25
2.5.1 Marketing Theory: The Marketing Concept 25
2.5.2 Microeconomic Theory 27
Chapter Three the Real Estate Industry 30
3.1 Introduction 30
3.2 Joint Venture Projects in China 30
3.3 Current Situation of Shanghai Real Estate Industry 36
Chapter Four Methodology 41
4.1 Introduction 41
4.2 Research process 42
4.3 The methods 49
4.3.1 Primary data research 49
4.3.2 Secondary data research 51
4.3.3 Quantitative and qualitative data research 52
4.3.4 Questionnaire 52
Chapter Five Results and Findings 54
Chapter Six Analysis 83
6.1 Introduction 83
6.2 Analysis of the Primary Data from Questionnaires 83
6.2.1 Developing Plan 83
6.2.2 Marketing Plan 85
6.2.3 Long Term Nature 87
6.2.4 Current Marketing Strategy 87
6.2.5 The Studies to Aid Marketing Planning 91
6.2.6 Approach to Form Future Marketing Plans 95
6.2.7 Analysis of Paired Samples T-Test 96
Chapter Seven Discussion 99
Chapter Eight Conclusion and Recommendations 103
Reference 109