
特瑞·麦克米兰小说《等待梦醒时分》的 文学伦理学研究范文

日期:2018年02月08日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2818
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201610041033468810 论文字数:4530 所属栏目:英美文学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
hics relate to community and personal standards regarding the conduct of interpersonal relationships. This includes issues of consent, sexual relations before marriage or while married, such as marital fidelity, premarital sex and non-marital sex), questions about how gender and power are expressed through sexual behavior, how individuals relate to society, and how individual behavior impacts public health concerns. Ethical dilemmas which involve sex can often appear in situations where there is a significant power difference or where there is a pre-existing professional relationship between the participants, when there is an age difference, or where consent is partial or uncertain. Sexual ethics can also include the ethics of procreation. 

Many practical questions arise regarding human sexuality, such as whether sexual norms should be enforced by law, given social approval, or changed. Answers to these questions can be considered on a scale from social liberalism to social conservatism. Considerable controversy continues over which system of ethics or morality best promotes human happiness, and which, if any, is inherently right. Furthermore, females are usually the disadvantaged group, no matter in daily life or professional area. For example, in sports area, in 2014, recent policy introduced by the International Olympic Committee to regulate hyperandrogenism in female athletes could lead to unnecessary treatment and may be unethical, argue. Another more common existing and more widely influential example would be that in recent years, the premature sexualizaton of young people has become a source of intense public anxiety, argued by a number of high-profile commentators to represent an unprecedented crisis facing the next generation. A body of academic, government and popular literature cites a host of pressures stemming from the sex-saturated contemporary context, particularly in relation to the media and consumerism, that are negatively impacting both the present and future of young subjects, particularly girls. Meanwhile, a critical commentary on the crisis narrative of sexualization notes the rhetorical dimensions of the literature, the classed and gendered ideal of childhood innocence, protection and the historical precedent of public anxiety concerning the morally corrupting influence of modern times. As such, scholars have argued that sexualization says more about the anxieties of adults rather than the lived experiences of young people. Empirical research on sexuality with school can be viewed as a counterpart to this critical commentary, illuminating the complex realities of growing up in a sex-saturated society. 

The association between “unrealism” and “African American women’s romantic fantasy” may frequently emerge because African Americans are firmly tethered to the real. In the engagement of the love, the love is seem to be real under the situation of the famine, they are equal in the love. Even as many fantasies contain imaginative reworking of black bodies for comedy, horror, and nationalist fantasies, fantasies in which black people are protagonists are always vulnerable to claims of racism—not only because of what may be present in the narrative, but also because of what is erased. In other words, the history of black representation is so overrun with negative stereotypes it can be difficult to produce a narrative that does not gesture to some racist history—particularly when fit into the conventional generic narratives that dominate the