

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2094
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201205080900031331 论文字数:35635 所属栏目:工程硕士论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

摘 要
此外,为了使控制系统能有效地工作,采用模块化的设计方法,分别进行了上位PC机和下位机软件(即单片机控制程序)的设计;并按符合RS232标准的串行异步通讯,制定了上位PC机与下位机之间通讯的通讯协议。其中上位PC机软件采用Visual Basic 6.0设计,而下位机软件则帮写论文采用汇编语言设计。

Revolving Electric Discharge Generating machining (REDGM) is a new-style technology of EDM, and it’s characteristic is revolving of double axes. Aiming at that actual control technology of REDGM is low-level and not all-purpose, the control technology of REDGM was studied and a universal control system of REDGM was developed in this dissertation, and this study would be of momentous current significance for raising performance and developing control theory of REDGM.
At first, basing on the machining principle of REDGM, driving project of axes was analyzed, and through detecting actual rotate speed, it was fixed on that stepping motor, which divided driving, was chosen as drivers to drive axes. Through analyzing control of the shaped movements in processing, the control technology of the shaped movements, which adopted point-by-point interpolation via 3B code, was introduced. And basing on these, the control-system, which included upper PC and base singlechip control-module, was designed.
In order to servo control REDGM validly, basing on the servo characteristic of REDGM and its servo method, the technique in which time was cumulated was used to detect gap discharge state, and the circuit of detecting break down was designed. And adopting the method in which including periodical detecting and local detecting of gap discharge state, the servo feed control-system based on fuzzy control technology was designed.
In addition, in order to have control system to working availably, upper PC control-software and base software (singlechip control-program) were designed with the concept of module. And according to RS232 serial communication, communication agreement between upper PC and base control-module was established. And also, the upper PC control-software and the base software were developed with Visual Basic 6.0 and assembly language respectively.
At last, using the homemade equipment of REDGM and control system that was http://www.51lunwen.org/dxgcsslw/2012/0508/lw201205080900031331.html designed in this dissertation, the experiments of control system and the machining experiment of typical part were carried out. The results show that the control system can control processing of REDGM availably, and the control system has better universal.

Keywords: EDM, Revolving, Generating machining, Servo control, Fuzzy control
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章  绪  论 1
1.1  电火花加工技术的现状与发展趋势 1
1.2 回转式电火花展成加工的原理及其特点 2
1.2.1  回转式电火花展成加工的原理 2
1.2.2  回转式电火花展成加工的特点 2
1.3  国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1 回转式电火花展成加工的研究现状 3
1.3.2 回转式电火花展成加工控制技术的研究现状 6
1.4  本课题的来源、研究目的与意义、主要研究内容 8
1.4.1  课题来源 8
1.4.2 课题的研究目的与意义 8
1.4.3  课题研究的主要内容 8
第二章  成形运动控制及控制系统的结构设计 9
2.1 回转轴驱动方案的研究 9
2.2 成形运动控制技术的研究 12
2.3 控制系统的总体结构设计 14
2.3.1 功能分析 14
2.3.2 总体结构设计 15
2.3.3  下位控制模块的设计 16
2.3.4 步进电机及其驱动器的选型 17
2.4  本章小结 18
第三章 伺服进给控制技术的研究 19
3.1 回转式电火花展成加工的伺服控制过程及其伺服特点 19
3.2 回转式电火花展成加工间隙放电状态检测原理 21
3.3 放电状态检测电路的设计 23
3.4 基于模糊技术的回转式电火花展成加工伺服进给控制原理 25
3.4.1 回转式电火花展成加工的伺服运动 25
3.4.2 基于模糊技术的伺服控制结构 26
3.4.3 划分输入输出帮写论文变量的模糊区间