

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1581
论文价格:50元/篇 论文编号:lw200701011108443304 论文字数:5309 所属栏目:计算机应用论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
基于COM+的分布式WEB应用系统研究 摘要:本文在总结COM+及分布式信息管理系统的基础上,对当前流行的分布式对象技术CORBA、COM+、OM/DCOM和MTS的系统结构、工作原理和技术特点等作了深入的探讨;并在对Microsoft公司推出的用来建立三层式分布应用程序的Windows DNA的体系结构剖析的前提下,结合Windows DNA的三层式应用程序开发特点,利用COM+提供的服务,创造性的提出了一种新的在分布式计算环境下开发基于WEB的应用程序的解决方案——基于COM+的分布式WEB应用系统,并以一个学籍管理系统为例,详细论述了系统开发的方法和过程,给高性能系统的设计提供了一条新的思路。 关键词:分布式系统,管理信息系统,学籍管理系统 the Distributed Web Application System Based on COM+ Abstracts:Based on the study of the Distributed Enterprise Manage Information System(MIS),this thesis sums up the technology of COM+, discussed the system frame, working principle and technical character, which is related to the fashionable distributed object technology, such as CORBA,COM+,COM/DCOM and MTS. Based on the windows DNA system frame, which are introduced by Microsoft Corporation to build the three-layer distributed application program, the thesis gives a new feasible distributed web application system solution scheme, that is the distributed web application system of based on COM+. Futhermore,by giving an example of a manage system of student status, the article presents the solution and the process to build the high quality system, which gives a new way to design a system. Keywords: Distributed System, Management Information System, Management System of Student Status