关键词:单片机 水位 控制 报警
Abstract:Large water tanks are a lot of companies essential to the production process of parts, its performance and the quality of work not only on production of the fine has enormous influence, but also the safety of production. In the past, many of the tanks are operated by the staff to operate, so that artificial means a lot of drawbacks, such as the water level control, water tanks at all times to monitor the environment, and so on the night of monitoring, the operator slightly negligence, or damage to the Summary of the monitoring device will bring irreparable damage will be even more serious crisis in production, such as the personal safety of staff. Therefore, control of water tanks, if the use of sophisticated and can totally be run in strict accordance with the provisions of the automated production system that can maximize the chances of avoiding accidents, but also save resources and can effectively improve the efficiency of production.
The purpose of single-chip system design is the application of single-chip control technology, to 8051 as the core to control the water level in water tanks, and lementation of the alarm and manual, automatic switching function. The system is easy to operate, good performance, more in line with the power to control the production of the necessary water system.
Keywords: Single-chip Level Control Alarm
一、 前言…………………………………………………………………1
(三) 使用单片机实现水体液位控制的优点…………………………2
(一) 系统硬件总体方案………………………………………………2
(二) 系统软件总体方案………………………………………………3
(三) 设计的研究进程…………………………………………………3
三、 系统硬件设计…………………………………………………………3
(一) 核心芯片8051单片机…………………………………………4
(二) 液位传感器设计…………………………………………………7
(四)DAC0832 D/A 转换器和ADC0809 A/D 转换器…………………12
(六) 报警装置…………………………………………………………17
(一) 软件设计流程图……………………………………………………18
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